Facility Needs:
We will seek God's help to complete the new church building that will facilitate the ministry needs of this body. We will continue to look for the needed space to develop a "dream center" for our community.
To fully support the pastoral staff.
We will work to reach the world community to be teaching and equipping harvesters.
We will minister through mission trips and be a tool of revival to our sister churches.
We will greet people as soon as possible and be as helpful and loving as Christ. We will treat them as family.
It is our dream to help support a radio station for contemporary music to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Meeting Community Needs:
We will be a lighthouse, to meet physical and spiritual needs, including feeding the hungry.
We will seek to have our church open 24-hours a day to meet spiritual, physical, and emotional needs through counseling, worship, and training.
We will start a clothes and food distribution center.
Discipleship & Spiritual Foundation:
We will be a bible-based, Spirit-led body, focused on Jesus.
We will seek to meet the spiritual needs of new believers through training and example.
We will move freely in the Gifts of the Spirit and hold true passion for God and not ourselves.
We will teach the importance of water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit, upon the salvation experience.
We will develop help ministries.
Encouragement & Pastoral Care:
We will model love, forgiveness, acceptance, reconciliation, and healing as part of body life.
We will counsel the spiritual needs of God's people and develop ministries that will support their walk.
We will look to see people through the eyes of Jesus, to build them up and help them to be strong in the Lord.
Building Leaders:
We will model an atmosphere of servanthood that will encourage total unity and teamwork to develop leaders to go into the world to share the Love of Christ.
Our church will encourage all members to be active in the life of the body, regardless of their past or marital status, knowing that God can use all His people.
We will work to develop worship leaders and musicians, both in skill and annointing, through an atmosphere of unity and encouragement.
We will create a full worship team to include youth, musicians, singers, and outreach to the community and other churches.
We will offer our best in worship, new music, and talent to worship God wholeheartedly.