Blessing Center:
The blessing center is open to anyone. Items available are many, including food, clothes, household products, and more. Items are donated mostly by the church members. Items are given away at no charge. The Blessing Center is open on Tuesday nights from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. If you are in need of anything or would like to donate items, please contact the church office, or visit on Tuesday nights.
Serving Groups: The ladies of the church serve for different functions like weddings, funerals, and other church events. If you would like to be on a serving group, please call the church office at (701) 282-4523.
Every Wednesday night, we have youth service which includes prayer, worship, and teaching from God's word. We have a Sunday School class just for the youth to discuss different issues of today.
Children's Church meets during Sunday morning worship, Sunday evening worship, and Wednesday nights at 7 p.m.
Band: Accompaning worship and special services, the musicians add a special blend of instruments to the spirit of praise and worship.
Special Music: Part of each service, soloists and small groups minister through their talents to lift up the name of Jesus through song.
Drama Ministry: Human videos and short dramas may be presented throughout the year to help in delivering the Gospel in new and exciting ways.
Intercessory Prayer: Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. a group of intercessory prayer warriors meet to pray for the needs of the people, the lost, and for God's continual presence in His church and people.
Weekly Praise, Worship, & Prayer: Every Saturday night we meet at 7 p.m. for Praise, Worship, & Intercessory Prayer.