Meet Pastor John...
Pastor John Skarphol is pastor of Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church in West Fargo,
North Dakota. He is also Chaplain of the West Fargo Police Department and the West
Fargo Fire Department.
Pastor Skarphol has a Bachelor of Science degree from Arizona State University, a Master
of Divinity and a Master of Art in Counseling from North American Baptist Theological
Seminary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Licensed to preach with Assemblies of God, Pastor Skarphol's ministry is active in the
areas of workshops, worship, counseling, and missions. Just in the two last months he has
seen many lives changed, physical healings, and deliverances from addiction behaviors.
Pastor John's vision is to reach the people that do not know Jesus Christ. He teaches a life
in Christ that can overcome all things. His heart is to teach Christians to live a life powered
by the Holy Spirit, and to see lives changed from darkness to light. Building marriages and
family is just one of the areas that we have seen God set people free and God's love
restored to His people.
Pastor and Mrs. Skarphol live in Fargo, and are the proud parents of three sons, Adam,
Nicholas, and Gabriel.